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Aromatherapy-Theraputic Essential Oils
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Molly Brown's Healing Earth
Pure Essential Oils & Synergies

Essential Oils & Synergies

.5 oz amber glass bottles w/ dropper cap (not diluted)
10 ml Roll-On Clear Glass Bottles- 10-25% essential oil in jojoba oil

True Aromatherapy is Essential Oils. It is not chemically or synthetically produced; so just because the label says Aromatherapy does not make it so. But neither do you have to purchase Young Living Oils to get the same (or better) results as with reasonably priced theraputic grade essential oils.
I grade my oils by results, and so far they are outstanding; but I will not say it was an easy process weeding out the bad ones. I have poured out expensive bottles of oil as soon as I took the lid off; and I have been blessed with high grade oils at good prices.
Everyone should have acsess to the benefits of these oils and I hope to teach you how to incorporate them into your everyday life.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree contains over a hundred individual organic compounds, making its therapeutic list of benefits and uses quite long. This oil is safe for children and the elderly. Every household should have Tea Tree in its medicine cabinet.


For More Information on Tea Tree Oil - Click Here

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Lavender Essential Oil

Possible Uses: Acne, allergies, anxiety, asthma, athlete's foot, bruises, burns, chicken pox, colic, cuts, cystitis, depression, dermatitis, dysmenorrhea, earache, flatulence, headache, hypertension, insect bites, insect repellant, itching, labor pains, migrane, oily skin, rheumatism, scabies, scars, sores, sprains, strains, stress, stretch marks, vertigo, whooping cough.


For More Information on Lavender Essential Oil- Click Here


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7 Thieve's Essential Oil


This healing oil is a blend of five different therapeutic grade essential oils, including oregano, clove, lemon, eucalyptus,tea tree,lavender, and rosemary. This combination of healing oils covers a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and contains properties that strengthen the immune system. Due to its effectiveness against highly infectious germs, including viruses and bacteria, it is one of nature's most powerful natural home remedies.

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Eucalyptus Essential Oil


Possible Uses: Arthritis, bronchitis, catarhh, cold sores, colds, coughing, fever, flu, poor circulation, sinusitis. Add 3 to 4 drops to a bowl of steaming water, cover head with a towel and inhale the vapours. Alternatively, place a few drops on a tissue near your pillow. Excellent for clearing head colds and loosening airways.


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Clove Bud Oil

Use Internally For: Asthma, colic, diarrhea, gout, indigestion, measles, intestinal parasites, tuberculosis, colds and flu. High in antioxidants, a couple of drops in a little water, or a tsp of honey.

Use Externally For: Stale breath, aching joints, mosquitoes, scabies, ulcers, wounds.

Inhalation - Reduces drowsiness, irritability, and headaches, assists memory recall, and increases circulation.  Valuable at relieving respiratory problems, like bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. Use in a diffuser for congestion, fever, infections and viruses.
Skin Care
- Used for acne, bruises, burns and cuts, keeping infection at bay. As a pain reliever it helps with toothache, mouth sores, and bad breath. Great insect repellent.


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Peppermint Oil

Excellent for Tension/Migraine Headaches - massage a drop into temples, and base of neck

Great digestion aid - a drop in a glass of water or on the tongue will head off acid reflux - beneficial action for stomach, liver, and intestines

Mental alertness and concentration - sniff or base of neck - Truckers love it!

Used in steam inhalation to open sinuses.

A warming oil, but a cooling action also - promotes sweating, reduces fever. No more than three drops in bath, too much can cause chills.

Insects and rodents hate the smell, so if you want rid of the pest, but not into the act of killing them, this is your answer


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Patchouli Oil

It is both anti-viral and anti-fungal. You can use it on an effected area or to stop the spread of bacteria and viruses. It is anti-inflammatory and it encourages cell regeneration. Great to use on the skin to heal eczema, dermatitis, chapped skin and other skin complaints. Use it also for wrinkles, cellulite, and sunburn. It speeds up the healing of wounds and sores, helps to fade scars. tightens and tones the skin.

The emotional benefits make Patchouli relaxing and great to use in stressful situations. It improves concentration and lets you keep control of your emotions and is useful in controlling depression and anxiety. It has been used in many spiritual rituals to ward off negativity and evil and burned as incense to aid divination and clairvoyance 

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Lemon Essential Oil

To freshen air and neutralize bad odors, use 2-3 drops in a diffuser. While cleaning, add 2-3 drops to rinse water to wipe away greasy residue and for extra freshness.

For anemia and high blood pressure, use 2-3 drops in a diffuser regularly. Can also use as a steam inhalation.

For joint pain, use 2-3 drops in 1 ounce of carrier oil and massage on affected area. Can also add 8-10 drops in bath water.


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Did you know that a Japanese study found that when they diffused lemon it reduced errors by 54 percent! By the way, in that same study, Jasmine and Lavender reduced errors by 33 and 20 percent respectively. How's that for mental clarity and accuracy!

History of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, while relatively new to the Western World, goes back a long way. Although the term essential oil is a recent one, civilizations have been using incense, perfumes and cosmetics for thousands of years. Herbs and spices have been used in cooking for a long time, but their use has often been linked to both religious and medicinal purposes. Indian literature, dating from around 2000BC mentions the use of cinnamon, ginger, myrrh, coriander and sandalwood. The Chinese have a long tradition of alternative medicine. Aromatherapy is just one of a number of treatments which include acupuncture, reflexology and herbal remedies. The Egyptians were renowned for their herbal potions and ointments. Temples were filled with incense. Corpses were embalmed in oils of cedar and myrrh. Egyptian women wore perfume. Greece and Rome were introduced to the riches of the far-away places. Camphor from China, Cinnamon from India, Gums from Arabia.

Much of the knowledge gained by earlier civilizations was lost to Europe during the Dark Ages. The Arabs excelled in the manufacture of perfumes during the thirteenth century. During the Middle Ages, infectious diseases such as the plague were fought off with aromatic plants strewn across floors. Lavender water was available in the sixteenth century at the local apothecary. It was a time of alchemists embarking on mystical quests to turn base metals into gold, and for others to distil the quintessence from aromatic materials. Not until the end of the seventeenth century was the distinction between perfumes and aromatics made clear, with alchemy giving way to chemistry as more and more became understood about the nature of matter. The scientific revolution of the early nineteenth century saw the birth of the modern drug industry. During the twentieth century, essential oils were moved away from therapeutic use into perfumes, cosmetics and foodstuffs.

How do they work?

Aromatherapy uses the sense of smell, and simply by smelling an oil an olfactory response is elicited. Smell is the least understood of the five senses, and yet it is perhaps the most powerful.

 The olfactory membrane is the only place in the human body where the central nervous system is exposed to the outside environment. Upon smelling an aroma, an impulse travels along the olfactory nerve directly to the limbic part of the brain. The limbic brain is responsible for evoking memory, emotions, hunger response and sexual arousal. Before we consciously know that we are in contact with an aroma, our subconscious mind has already received it and reacted to it.

 On the level of the emotions, essential oils can be uplifting, soothing, stimulating, refreshing, and calming. An article in the British medical journal Lancet reported that patients suffering from insomnia fell asleep more quickly when exposed to lavender aroma.
The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center has also experimented with aromatherapy on patients undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Those patients who complained of claustrophobia, while spending an hour in the magnetic capsule, felt less anxiety and discomfort when the aroma of vanilla was introduced.

Aromatherapy is just as effective in healing the body. The molecular structure of an essential oil is tiny, which allows it to pass through the skin and directly into the bloodstream where it can affect the organs and other body systems.
For instance, massage oil with Geranium Rose balances hormones and relieves fluid retention, in addition to relieving anxiety, depression and stress. Rosemary stimulates circulation particularly in those who have chronically cold hands and feet, and peppermint aids in digestion.