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My name is Mary Phipps and the name on my business is my great-grandmother. Molly was an herbalist and healer in South Georgia in the early 1900’s; and she inspires me to help keep alive  the understanding that what we need to heal ourselves emotionally and physically is in, and all around us.

In a world where there always seems to be a “New and Improved”, we have lost sight of the tried and true. Essential oils have been used throughout history as prevention and healing remedies, they are mentioned 188 times in the Bible. Essential oils can be absorbed by the human body in a variety of ways. The vapors, once inhaled, can trigger neurochemical release in the brain via receptors in the nose. Many people are familiar with the phenomenon of a sudden awareness of past memories after detecting a particular smell or taste. Although these memories can be buried deep in the subconscious, they suddenly flood into view. Of all the five senses, smell has the strongest link into the subconscious. The blood can also absorb vapors once it gets into the lungs. Once in the bloodstream, it can circulate quickly to all the organs of the body, not just the brain.

There are as many tragedies in modern medicine as there are miracles; we all know someone living on pills. We are not curing anything; we hide the symptoms. The pharmaceutical companies do not want to cure us, not much profit in that, and many lives are lost in the process. You don’t have to be dead to fit in the category of “lost lives”; look at the clinics that sprang to life to treat heroin addicts and are now almost solely treating Oxy Contin addicts.

They are only giving us what they say we are demanding, not that the million dollar commercials that we are bombarded with don’t influence us. We have put too much trust in people that must keep the shareholders happy, and we assume they have our best interest at heart. I believe that is asking too much of them and too little of ourselves.


If you want to change your life, you first have to change your mind. We put our spiritual lives in the hands of God, and our physical lives in the hands of a CEO? It just does not sound right, does it?

I am not saying there is not a place for modern medicine; I am saying we need to take a look at the natural medicines and UNDERSTAND that the FDA created laws that gave Pharmaceutical Company’s the monopoly. Essential Oils were here centuries before the FDA, and they will exist long after the “pill era”.

Essential Oil Medical Properties

click here to download file


Carpet/Room Freshener
Wide Mouth Glass Jar with Lid
½ cup baking soda
essential oil(s) of choice (see suggestions below)

Mix all ingredients in a wide-mouthed glass jar and tighten cap. Set aside for 24 hours to allow the aromas to permeate the powder. Sprinkle over carpeting, leave for 10 – 15 minutes, and vacuum.

Some scents to try:
Lavender 24 drops/Cinnamon 8 drops/Orange 8 drops - or -
Rosemary 24 drops/Spruce 12 drops/Orange 4 drops - or -
Lime 20 drops/Orange 12 drops/Patchouli 8 drops - or -
Lemon 40 drops - or -
Eucalyptus 40 drops

Aromatherapy Recipes for Colds
Add the following ingredients to a hot bath:
10 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops sweet orange essential oil
Relax in the bath for at least ten minutes.

Steam Inhalation
In a pot of boiling water add:
10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops ginger essential oil
5 drops lemon essential oil
Hold your head about 18 inches from the water and breathe in through your nose, exhaling through your mouth.

Dry Inhalation
On a handkerchief place:
3 drops eucalyptus essential oil
2 drops clary sage essential oil
2 drops sweet orange essential oil
Hold the handkerchief about three inches from your face. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Immune Boosting Recipes
Morning Immunity Bath
4 drops tea tree oil
3 drops rosemary oil
2 drops lemon oil
1 drop ginger oil
Add the essential oils to a tub of warm water and soak for fifteen to twenty minutes.

For best results, give them plenty of sun, frequent watering, and regular fertilization.

Is American Medicine Working?

At 14 percent of the Gross National Product, health care spending reached $1.6 trillion in 2003. Considering this enormous expenditure, we should have the best medicine in the world. We should be reversing disease, preventing disease, and doing minimal harm. However, careful and objective review shows the opposite. Because of the extraordinary narrow context of medical technology through which contemporary medicine examines the human condition, we are completely missing the full picture.

Medicine is not taking into consideration the following monumentally important aspects of a healthy human organism: (a) stress and how it adversely affects the immune system and life processes; (b) insufficient exercise; (c) excessive caloric intake; (d) highly-processed and denatured foods grown in denatured and chemically-damaged soil; and (e) exposure to tens of thousands of environmental toxins. Instead of minimizing these disease-causing factors, we actually cause more illness through medical technology, diagnostic testing, overuse of medical and surgical procedures, and overuse of pharmaceutical drugs. The huge disservice of this therapeutic strategy is the result of little effort or money being appropriated for preventing disease.

Medicating Our Feelings

We only need to look at the side effects of antidepressant drugs, which give hope to a depressed population. Patients seeking a more joyful existence and relief from worry, stress and anxiety, fall victim to the messages blatantly displayed on TV and billboards. Often, instead of relief, they also fall victim to the side effects of antidepressant medication.

Also, a whole generation of antidepressant users has resulted from young people growing up on Ritalin. Medicating youth and modifying their emotions must have some impact on how they learn to deal with their feelings. They learn to equate coping with drugs and not their inner resources. As adults, these medicated youth reach for alcohol, drugs, or even street drugs, to cope. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, "Ritalin acts much like cocaine." Today’s marketing of mood-modifying drugs, such as Prozac or Zoloft, makes them not only socially acceptable but almost a necessity in today’s stressful world.



It is time to look to the past to help insure the future.

What we eat, and where it comes from.

How we medicate ourselves...AND our children!



If you are in East Tennessee heres something to think about....
I am doing True Aromatherapy Workshops that let you host one to earn products...and the workshop is FREE! .....Click Here